Friday, September 4, 2009

Reset the menus

Tools-> Customize-> Customize dialog box-> Options tab
Click " Reset menu and toolbar usage data"

Create or delete a custom menu

To create a custom menu:

Tools-> Customize-> Customize dialog box-> Commands tab
Categories list-> New Menu
Drag New Menu form the Commands list to the desired position on the menu bar

Right-click New Menu and then type name in the Name box

In the Commands list, click the command you want
Drag the command up to the menu bar and over the new menu

To delete a custom menu:

Tools-> Customize-> Customize dialog box
Right-click the custom menu-> Delete

Create a custom toolbar

Open customize dialog box
  • Tools-> Customize
  • Right click any toolbar-> Customize
  • Toolbar Options button-> Add or Remove Buttons-> Customize
Click "New"

Click the "Commands" tab
In the commands list, click the command you want and drag it to the new toolbar

Display, hide, or reset toolbar buttons

At the right end of the toolbar, click the "Toolbar Options" button
Click the " Add or Remove Buttons"
Click "Reset Toolbar" to restore to the default settings

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Validating data entry

Data validation enables you to define a set of rules that guide data entry for a specific range of cells.

Validation rule specifies
  • Data types
  • Acceptable values
  • Input message
  • Error-alert message

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Editing a Hyperlink

Right-click the cell with hyperlink-> select Edit Hyperlink-> click the "Screen Tip" button-> Set hyperlink screen tip dialog box

Inserting a Hyperlink to a Workbook

Insert-> Hyperlink

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Turning on the AutoRepublish Feature

This feature republishes the Web page automatically whenever the workbook is saved.

Click the " AutoRepublish every time this workbook is saved" check box

Click the " Open published web page in browser" to have Excel launch your Web browser automatically

Selecting Elements to Publish

After clicking publish button on Save As dialog box -> Publish as Web Page dialog box
Item to publish-> Choose

To specify a filename for the HTML file: click "Browse" button-> Publish As dialog box